Monday, December 15, 2008

French designer's tribute to MO!

It;s amazing to see the international impact Michelle Obama has made! Please click ont he link for the entire interview! :)

You’re iconic as a French designer. Why put the American flag dress on the cover?
When I chose to do the book, it was one year ago, and this image, I did it a long time ago. This dress was created 8 years ago, but it was a dress that really put me on stage, and I wanted to celebrate this first step in America. And of course for me, it became quite literally a black woman wearing an American flag dress, and for me it became a little bit of an homage to Michelle Obama.



  1. pshhaw. mobama would never be caught wearing something this tacky!

  2. i love catherine malandrino! her work has always been an inspiration to create beautiful, timeless things. and the fact that she made the american flag appealing again isn't a bad thing either! yeaaaahh mo!

  3. I am posting a comment.

  4. american flags for attire besides glittery headwear on bingo night for senior citizens can only be good for the country

  5. Brian, but I wonder if she were equally spry. I think that would affect whether she would wear this, as well.

    Krystle.see: i'd never heard of! Do you have any links of familiar works you like?

    Leonard: Why, thank you.

    Khalid: UNPATRIOTIC!

  6. And on a dark-skinned Black sista no less! Steezin. Love it.

    Actually I hate that flag.
